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craigscottcapital – Valyuz Evaluation 14


Believe it or not, a lot of enterprises, big and small struggle when it comes to the area of expense management. Most enterprises dedicate a few of their in-house resources to overlooking this area, thinking that they could do no wrong. However, the reality is that using manual procedures for financial management is rarely a good idea, as the margin for error is quite large. This is why it always makes sense to choose a reliable financial management service for expense management and other similar activities. Valyuz is a standout company known for its impeccable track record in financial management, along with other handy services.

I explored this company in great detail to find out what else it brings to the table. Continue reading my review to find out what I have to say about this company and whether I think it is suitable for businesses or not.

Making Transactions Seamless

This electronic money institution is famous for its business debit card that facilitates hassle free transactions. However, the company offers a lot more than that. For instance, its analytical tools can prove to be especially handy for businesses that want important data, trends and insights regarding spending patterns. Once you take advantage of this data, you will be able to get a clearer understanding of how your enterprise spends money and where you can save some of it.

You can also pinpoint areas where you can easily optimize costs and spot potential issues in your enterprise’s overall financial activity. Visibility like this can help you set up budgets in a correct manner, making sure your business becomes financially stable with time. It would be fair to say that the analytic tools offered by Valyuz can be quite helpful for strategy building, making sure you have everything to improve your company’s overall financial health.

Helping Businesses Maintain a Steady Cash Flow

The online IBAN account and debit card for corporate expenses that Valyuz provides help businesses conduct essentially transactions without the need to use up the money present in their reserves. If you run a startup, you will find this strategy to be particularly beneficial, as small businesses don’t have enough working capital. Once you start using the business debit card offered by this electronic money institution, your flow of cash will potentially improve and there is a huge likelihood that you will have important funds available for important expenses.

Flexibility is the name of the game in the business world and you get that in spades by opting for a financial management service like Valyuz. You can strategize your financial matters in a way that gives you total freedom to make the most of different opportunities. As I mentioned before, small businesses, where every cent counts, can greatly benefit from the business debit card provided by this company, making sure that they have a reliable safety net.

High Level of Financial Efficiency

The dedicated business IBAN that Valyuz offers introduce a level of efficiency and precision that you will be hard pressed to find elsewhere. When you conduct transactions using these accounts, every single thing is categorized in a systematic manner and you will have electronic records of everything. This is undoubtedly a transformative way to manage your business expenses.


You can use this electronic trail to your advantage, keeping track or different expenses and preparing financial reports with a great degree of ease.

If you are tired of maintaining manual records for your expenses, then now would be a better time than ever to introduce a change and use the automation offered by Valyuz to your full advantage.

Helping Business Stay on Top of their Financial Affairs

When you use the debit card for corporate expenses offered by Valyuz, you will notice that it can assist you in managing your financial matters without all the hassle. Once you take advantage of this offering, you will notice that your employees will not need to worry about using their personal money for business related transactions. You may be surprised to learn that this is a culture at many companies and employees have to wait for weeks, if not months in order to get their money back.


Fortunately, when you choose the business debit card provided by Valyuz, you can rest easy knowing that your employees will not need to go through such an ordeal, as they will receive their payments on time. Plus, they will not need to worry about using their personal expenses for business related purchases, which is also a huge plus.

Final Thoughts

Valyuz is a dedicated business IBAN service that provides loads of solutions for big and small businesses. Whether you use their business debit card or online IBAN account, you can expect nothing but high quality solutions to streamline your business processes.