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5 Common Bitcoin Scams to Look Out For


Meta Title: 5 Common Bitcoin Scams to Look Out For

Meta Description: Discover a list of the most common Bitcoin scams and learn what measures you can take to keep your coins safe.

As the cryptocurrency market grows, Bitcoin has solidified its position as the dominant digital currency. Unfortunately, its rising popularity has attracted various scams to exploit new and experienced investors.

Read on to learn about five common Bitcoin scams you should know about and how you can avoid them.

Phishing Scams

Phishing scams involve tricking individuals into revealing sensitive information like private keys or wallet credentials. These scams often masquerade as trusted entities, such as popular exchanges, wallet providers, or well-known personalities.

In phishing scams, fraudsters send emails or social media messages containing links that lead to fake websites resembling legitimate platforms. These websites then prompt users to enter their login credentials or seed phrases, granting scammers full account access.

Phishing schemes can also involve impersonating customer support agents who claim that users need to verify their identities or reset their accounts.

To avoid phishing scams, always double-check the URL of any cryptocurrency-related website before entering your credentials. You can also avoid clicking on links provided via unsolicited emails or social media messages and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for your accounts to add an extra layer of security.

Ponzi Schemes

Ponzi schemes in the Bitcoin world promise high returns on investment with minimal or no risk. In reality, these schemes rely on new investor deposits to pay returns to earlier investors, eventually collapsing when the influx of new investors stops.

Here, scammers promote investment opportunities that claim to generate outsized returns. Early investors receive payouts, encouraging them to reinvest and recruit new participants, but once the scam reaches a critical point, the organizers disappear with the remaining funds.

These schemes have been rampant and utilize different platforms like social media to target vulnerable people.


Be wary of investment opportunities promising returns that seem too good to be true. You should also always conduct thorough research into any platform before investing, ensuring it is transparent and regulated. And lastly, seek advice from financial experts and rely on established investment practices.

Fake Exchanges

Fake exchanges mimic legitimate cryptocurrency trading platforms, tricking users into depositing their Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. These exchanges typically operate long enough to attract users before abruptly shutting down and stealing deposited funds.

To trap people, scammers create a polished, professional-looking exchange website. They then lure users in with attractive features such as low trading fees, competitive spreads, and promises of special bonuses. After attracting significant deposits, they close the site and abscond with the funds, leading to high losses for their victims.

Always verify an exchange’s legitimacy by checking its regulatory status and reading reviews from trusted sources. You should also always avoid using lesser-known exchanges without a proven track record. If you want to use any exchange, especially the lesser-known ones, begin with small deposits and test withdrawal procedures before committing more significant sums.

Fake Wallets and Apps

Scammers create fake wallet applications that closely resemble legitimate crypto wallets. When users download and use these apps, they unknowingly grant access to their private keys, leading to stolen Bitcoin. This also applies to wallets that store other Bitcoin assets, including Ordinals, Runes, and more.

Usually, fraudulent apps mimic popular wallet brands, often promoted via unofficial app stores or phishing links. Once users download these apps and import their wallets or enter seed phrases, scammers gain access to their funds.

This can put unsuspecting users in danger of losing their Bitcoin assets, raising questions like: Are Ordinal wallets safe? Can Bitcoin wallets be hacked? Can someone steal my Bitcoin wallet?

You can protect yourself from fake wallets and apps by only downloading wallet apps from official sources or the wallet provider’s website. Also, always verify the app developer and check reviews before installation. You can also use hardware wallets or paper wallets for long-term storage.

Giveaway Scams

Giveaway scams have become rampant on social media, enticing users with promises of “free” Bitcoin in exchange for sending a small amount first. These scams often involve impersonating celebrities or prominent figures in the crypto space.

In giveaway scams, scammers create fake social media profiles resembling well-known individuals or organizations. They then announce giveaways, asking users to send a small amount of Bitcoin to verify their address and receive a larger reward. After receiving the deposits, scammers vanish without distributing any rewards.


While giveaway scams are rampant on social media platforms, there are a few ways to protect yourself. First, be skeptical of any offer that requires you to send Bitcoin to receive more in return. Next, verify the legitimacy of any giveaway by checking official websites or trusted sources. You should also report fake profiles to social media platforms to prevent others from falling victim.

Wrapping Up

While Bitcoin continues gaining mainstream acceptance, the prevalence of scams highlights the importance of caution and education in cryptocurrency. Stay informed, use trusted platforms, and employ the best practices to secure your investments. Stay safe, and be aware of scammers’ changing tactics to exploit unsuspecting investors.