American flag shirts have come to be associated with patriotism.
Like other flag-themed outfits, American flag shirts symbolize American heritage. They speak to our nationalistic ideals and shared values.
But have you ever paused to wonder how the Stars and Stripes became an iconic symbol in the fashion and textile industries?
This post will share a brief history of the American Flag and how it became an enduring element in outfits worldwide.
About the American Flag Shirt
American flag shirts have made their mark in the fashion industry. While initially associated with national holidays, such as the Fourth of July, flag-themed shirts are now common in our streets.
Donning an American flag shirt is not only a mark of patriotism. It’s also an ingenious way to make a lasting fashion statement, thanks to the endless ways you can style the outfits.
But how did the American flag shirt come about? Let’s find out.
Birth of the Flag
As you might expect, the American flag predates flag-themed shirts.
There’s no consensus on the origin of the first official flag of the United States. However, many historians attribute it to notable personalities during the American Revolution, particularly Philadelphia seamstress Betsy Ross and New Jersey Congressman Francis Hopkinson.
Around the 18th century, the United States was still organized into thirteen British colonies. The Continental Congress commissioned the first officially recognized flag to capture their collective cause on June 14, 1777, after Congress ratified an act establishing the earliest Stars and Stripes design.
The original flag featured thirteen alternating red and white stripes, each representing the sacrifice of the states that declared independence from Great Britain. There were also 13 stars encircled in a blue canton.
Over the next couple of decades, the United States conquered more territories. An extra star was added to the flag with each new state captured.
By 1960, the US flag had grown from 13 to 50 stars following the annexation of Alaska and Hawaii.
Association With the Revolution
The American flag played an instrumental role in rallying the original thirteen British colonies against their colonial master during the American Revolutionary War.
In fact, the war itself helped popularize the American flag. Thousands of patriotic Americans waved the flag to show solidarity with those who sacrificed their lives for the country’s freedom.
Soldiers reportedly wore the flag on their clothing, too.
Further Popularization and the Emergence of Flag-Themed Shirts
Flag clothing was unavailable for civilian access for several decades after the American Revolution. While anyone could wave the American flag in a show of patriotism, the few flag outfits that were made could only be worn by military and government officials.
However, this would change after the First and Second World Wars.
As the wars raged on, American women pinned red, white, and blue ribbons to their hair as an expression of solidarity with their male compatriots fighting in the war. Fashion designers didn’t hesitate to exploit the craze for patriotic clothing.
The Hippie Movement
The hippie movement of the 1960s had a revolutionary impact on the fashion industry. While often referenced infamously for its association with rebellious ideologies among young people, this period marked the advent of American flag shirts as we know them today.
Note that before the hippie period, American flag clothing was largely a preserve of the military and political elite. Even normal flags widely available to the masses were mainly displayed on momentous occasions like the Fourth of July, after which they faded from our collective conscience.
To many young Americans, it was time to challenge these conformist social norms.
One of the notable events during the ’60s counterculture movement was incorporating the American flag into outfits. From casual t-shirts to official shirts, vests, hoodies, and even swimwear, the American flag steadily became an inseparable part of the fashion industry.
Further Mainstreaming
American flag shirts gained further recognition in the 1970s, especially among the political class. But unlike before, when the flag was worn primarily to express patriotism, politicians donned flag-themed outfits to show political commitment.
Subsequently, the demand for American shirts grew among high fashion enthusiasts. Many renowned fashion designers, including Ralph Lauren and Tommy Hilfiger, have utilized the Stars and Stripes to inspire their clothing lines.
American shirts have also popped up on the red carpet. Madonna, Julia Roberts, and Halle Berry are notable celebrities who have graced high-profile events in American-themed outfits.
Outside of showbiz, flag shirts have stood as a unifying symbol during critical moments in American history. It’s not unusual to find patriotic Americans donning the Stars and Stripes during electioneering periods to tone down hostile political rhetoric. Flag outfits were notably worn after 9/11, representing America’s unwavering resilience.
The American flag has also had its fair share of violation, often torched by anti-American protestors as an expression of grievance.
The origin of American flag shirts is steeped in meaning and symbolism. Flag-themed shirts have survived some of the most disruptive fashion trends, a testament to the unwavering resilience of the American people.
Understanding the history of the American flag is the first step in appreciating the profound meaning beneath the iconic Stars and Stripes. It reminds us of our collective history and how far we can go if we rally around patriotic causes.
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