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Cedarburg Strawberry Festival 2015 – A Sweet Stroll Down Memory Lane

cedarburg strawberry festival 2015

Cedarburg Strawberry Festival 2015

Let me take you back to the summer of 2015, specifically to the Cedarburg Strawberry Festival. It was a vibrant celebration that brought together locals and tourists alike for a weekend filled with fun, food, and of course, strawberries. An annual tradition in Cedarburg, Wisconsin since 1986, this festival is known for its unique blend of small-town charm and big-city entertainment.

What set the 2015 festival apart? Well for starters, it was bigger than ever before – showcasing more than 250 artists from around the region! These talented folks showcased their handmade art pieces which included everything from jewelry to pottery. Attendees also enjoyed live music performances that echoed through the streets all day long.

But let’s not forget about what makes this festival truly special: Strawberries! In 2015, there were plenty of mouthwatering strawberry-themed treats to sample. From strawberry brats (yes, you read that right!) to classic favorites like strawberry shortcake and deep-fried strawberries on-a-stick – I’m sure every visitor found something deliciously satisfying. The highlight though? The much-anticipated “Berry Big” Strawberry Shortcake – a mammoth dessert made with over 1,500 fresh strawberries that served hundreds of attendees.

History of the Cedarburg Strawberry Festival

I’ll take you back to 1986. That’s when the first seeds of what would become a cherished annual tradition in Cedarburg, Wisconsin were sown. The original goal of the Cedarburg Strawberry Festival was simple: to celebrate the start of summer and shine a spotlight on local talent and businesses.

However, it didn’t take long for this humble event to grow into something much bigger than anyone had anticipated. From its roots as a small-time gathering that drew just a few hundred folks, the festival has blossomed into an eagerly-awaited extravaganza attracting over 100,000 visitors from all across America each year.

It’s not hard to see why this festival has gained such popularity either. Over time, it has evolved to incorporate diverse attractions such as an art fair featuring regional artists, live music performances spanning multiple genres and of course, plenty of strawberry-themed delights like fresh strawberries by the quart or delicious strawberry brats.

What really sets this festival apart though is its unwavering commitment to community spirit. Throughout its history, proceeds from the Cedarburg Strawberry Festival have been channeled back into local non-profit organizations – creating a ripple effect that extends well beyond the fun-filled weekend itself.

Despite several changes along its journey (for example in 2015 there was introduction of wine & beer garden), one thing remains constant: Cedarburg Strawberry Festival’s heartening celebration of community strength and shared joy which keeps people coming back year after year!

Overview of the 2015 festival

Back in 2015, Cedarburg’s Strawberry Festival was nothing less than a joyous spectacle. The streets of this quaint Wisconsin town transformed into a vibrant celebration of all things strawberry. Everywhere you looked there were bursts of red; from fresh juicy berries to art and crafts inspired by this summer fruit.

The festival kicked off with an energy that’s hard to describe. From early morning, vendors lined up their stalls showcasing everything from strawberry wine to jams, pies, and even brats. Yes! You heard me right – succulent brats infused with the sweetness of strawberries proved quite popular among visitors.

One can’t forget about the unique strawberry-themed contests either. The highlight was undoubtedly the “Berry Big” contest where folks competed over who had grown the largest strawberry. It created quite a buzz among locals and tourists alike.

Now let’s talk about the arts scene at Cedarburg’s Strawberry Festival in 2015. This wasn’t just about food; it also showcased some amazing local artists and craftsmen. Handcrafted jewelry featuring strawberries, stunning paintings capturing rural life around berry farms – these were just glimpses into the creativity on display.

And how could I not mention ‘Music on the Streets’? Multiple stages set up across town offered live music performances spanning genres from Jazz to Bluegrass, giving every visitor something they’d enjoy.

In short, Cedarburg Strawberry Festival 2015 was a delightful blend of food, artistry and community spirit that left an indelible impression on everyone who attended.

Looking back at the Cedarburg Strawberry Festival 2015, I’m reminded of just how fantastic it really was. This event brought together a diverse mix of people, all united by their love for strawberries and community spirit.

What’s truly remarkable about this festival isn’t just the vast array of strawberry-themed delights or the lively atmosphere. It’s also the impact that it has on local businesses and vendors. The influx of visitors provides a significant boost to the local economy, making it more than just a celebration – but a vital part of Cedarburg’s yearly cycle.

  • Over 100,000 attendees
  • More than 250 arts and crafts vendors
  • Impact on local businesses

The sheer number of people who attended is impressive in itself. With over 100,000 attendees, this festival wasn’t simply an event – it was an absolute extravaganza!

Then there were the artisans: over 250 craft vendors set up shop at the festival. These creative minds contributed to an eclectic marketplace brimming with unique and handmade items. From blown glass to hand-crafted jewelry, there was something for everyone.

And let’s not overlook the profound effect this festival had on local businesses. Restaurants saw increased foot traffic while small shops enjoyed spikes in sales as tourists flocked into town. It’s clear that events like these provide essential support for our cherished small-town enterprises.

In summary, I’d say that Cedarburg Strawberry Festival 2015 stands out as one of those exceptional events that really bring a community together while boosting its economic vitality substantially. Can’t wait to see what future festivals have in store!