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What to Do When Someone Hits Your Parked Car


Did you know that approximately 20% of all vehicle collisions in the United States happen in parked cars?

Going through this kind of incident can be an unsettling experience. Whether you return to your vehicle to find a dented bumper or a scratched door, it’s important to stay calm and take the right steps to address the situation.

From gathering evidence to contacting the authorities and dealing with insurance claims, we’ll make sure you’re prepared to handle when someone has hit your parked car. Stay calm as we guide you through the necessary steps to guarantee a smooth process and protect your interests.

Assess the Damage

When someone hits your parked car, the first step is to assess the damage immediately.

Start by checking for any scratches, dents, or other visible signs of impact on your vehicle. Walk around your car to inspect all sides, including the bumpers, doors, and fenders. Pay attention to any areas that appear damaged, and try to determine the extent of the impact.

Look for any fluids leaking from your car, such as oil, coolant, or brake fluid. These could indicate more serious damage that needs immediate attention. Check your lights to make sure they’re still functioning properly. Sometimes, even a minor collision can cause bulbs to break or become dislodged.

If you feel comfortable doing so, open the hood of your car and inspect the engine compartment for any visible damage. Look for things like bent or broken parts, loose wires, or leaking fluids.

By assessing the damage immediately, you can better understand the situation and take appropriate action to address any issues that may have arisen from the collision.

Collect Evidence

After assessing the damage to your parked car, proceed to collect evidence of the incident to support any potential insurance claims or legal actions.

Start by taking photos of the damage from various angles, making sure to capture the overall scene and any specific details. Include close-up shots of the points of impact, scratches, dents, or any other relevant damage.

Document the surrounding area where the incident occurred, noting any relevant details such as road conditions, signage, or nearby landmarks.

Gather contact information from any witnesses who saw the accident or who may have information about the responsible party. Their statements could provide valuable support for your claim. If applicable, check for security cameras in the vicinity that may have captured the incident. Make a note of their locations and contact the property owners to request access to the footage.


Write down the details of the incident, including the date, time, location, and a brief description of what happened. This written record can serve as a helpful reference when reporting the incident to your insurance company or seeking legal advice.

Contact Your Insurance Company

Contacting your insurance company as soon as possible is necessary to start the claims process.

Be prepared to provide details such as the time and location of the incident, any damages observed, and the other party’s information, if available. Your insurance agent will guide you on the next steps, which may involve scheduling an assessment of the damage to your vehicle.

When contacting your insurance company, have your policy information readily available to speed up the process. Be honest and provide accurate information about the incident to guarantee a smooth claims process. Your insurance company will review the details provided and advise you on the coverage applicable to your situation. Depending on your policy, you may need to pay a deductible before repairs can begin. Keep track of all communication with your insurance company for future reference.

File a Police Report

Contact the local authorities and request an officer to come to the scene. When the officer arrives, provide them with all the necessary details, such as the time and location of the incident, any witnesses, and any information you have about the vehicle that hit yours.

Cooperate fully with the officer and answer all their questions truthfully. The police report will be significant for both your insurance claim and any legal proceedings that may follow. Make sure to get a copy of the police report or at least the report number for your records.

Filing a police report is important, even if the damage seems minor. It helps to establish a formal record of the incident, which can protect you in case the other party disputes the events later. So, don’t skip this step, as it can greatly assist you in resolving the situation smoothly.

Seek Professional Assistance

A car accident can be stressful and overwhelming, but having a professional on your side can help ease some of the burden.


Insurance companies often have teams of experts to handle claims efficiently, so contacting your insurance provider should be one of the first steps after the incident.

If the damage is extensive, it may be beneficial to consult with an attorney specializing in car accidents. Legal professionals can advise you on your rights, help negotiate with insurance companies, and represent you in any legal proceedings if necessary. They can guarantee that you receive fair compensation for the damages incurred and provide support to handling a car accident case effectively.


If someone hits your parked car, remember to stay calm and assess the damage. Seeking professional assistance can help you deal with the legal process. Prioritize your safety and follow these steps to handle the situation effectively.